Tag Archives: #CFNM

After a summer of very little opportunity of sessioning I’m pleased to say I’m back but… Why I thought a 6am 80s car disco on my return to Hampshire was a good idea is still beyond me.  The intention was that it would keep me focused on my journey, see what I endured just to […]

Changes are afoot! Dull, dull, dull I need a change. Over the next month I’m going to be setting a mission for my webmaster to redesign my website.  I simply need something that is more fitting to what I’m about now. Just to clarify what to expect If you are looking to session with a […]

You know you want to but you are apprehensive and the nerves are getting the better of you… I can sense your anxieties as you step through the door and follow me along the hallway.  Of course I know you are nervous and your heart is pounding, your eyes dart all around but in your […]